Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Finally! Pictures! (Big Update)

We started getting our items in and finally got to do some assembly (and disassembly) of our parts. We chose to use the lower half of a remote controlled tank, which 'was' a German Tiger. This will allow us for a large platform to house everything and gives us good maneuverability.

These 2 pictures shows the inside of the tank where we are most likely going to mount the on-board microcontroller (circuit board on right). Nothing is plugged into it and nothing is programmed yet, we just wanted to see how it would mount up:

These 2 pictures are the beginnings of our sensor modules. These will interface the gas sensors to our microcontroller. We use these to determine the levels that have been detected as well as determine how much gas we want it to detect to trigger the alarm:

Here is a shot of our sensors and Zigbee boards:

Programming one of our microcontrollers


  1. Awesome, I really like the idea of using a remote controlled tank.

  2. woah thats really cool ... amazing what we can do now

  3. things like this make me want to get into robotics!

  4. I used to love robotics, now i don't have enough time :(

  5. That is way cool, what a neat project.

  6. what a neat project. I can't wait to see more updates on how it goes.

  7. Pretty cool project, makes me wish I was into robotics.

  8. Programming is something I always wanted to get into, but felt I was never smart enough. :p


  9. But can it get me a beer from the fridge?

  10. This is pretty cool. I wish I could do something like this. Also, I loled at banaceks comment. Hahahha

  11. I'm glad I found this, will be following.

  12. Oh god Oh god Oh god Oh god Oh god Oh god Oh god CATERPILLAR WHEELS! :D <3

  13. Wow I'm amazed at people who do these things by themselves :o I really wish I could too!

    Then I'd so make a robot to get me stuff from the fridge ~D:

  14. hey im working on a similar project based on MetalGear4.
    im a little inspired by the MK2-rex (the little robot snake has) but withought the camera or display. anyways i was wondering if a little help would bother you. im having problems with the center of gravity and programming.
    Will share my Development with the public as soon as i have some sign of life on my project.
