Saturday, April 2, 2011

Arduino !?!?!?

Luckily we are still very early in our project that we can make drastic changes. Although we have already programmed our 2 Freescale micro-controllers to communicate wirelessly, we may look into switching to the ATmega328 micro-controller housed on the Arduino Duemilanove. The Freescale MCU may have more functions, pins, and faster speeds, but our project does not require a lot out of the MC to begin with. The Arduino has a large (largest?) following in small to large electronics projects with much support from fellow engineers and developers. After viewing the language (based on C++) that the Arduino uses, it seems very user friendly and very easy to learn. In contrast we were using straight forward C++ on the Freescale. There are many prebuilt libraries that we can use for the Arduino that we can make our programming a lot easier to do.


  1. Looks complex. I need to get back to C++ one day.

  2. Arduinos are always a good choice. Handy dandy stuff you got there.

  3. what id give to throw one of those in my rig

  4. I keep hearing about the arduino things. I need to look into them and see what a complete noob can do.

  5. whoaa..interesting this is but in kinda noob in this field. :P
    $$upported! return favour. :D

  6. @mac-and-me

    Our previous major was Game and Simulation Programming which everything was done in C++. So it is just what we know and what we are comfortable with.

  7. Arduino is pretty cool stuff, I saw a really good documentary about it a few months ago that was really interesting.


    following and $upporting

    best friend on the blogosphere

  9. These prebuilt libraries, are neat!
